

Research on a cooperative information acquisition support system through the world wide web bookmark sharing


中村雅英(Masahide Nakamura)





TransMarkシステムは、複数のユーザでURL(Uniform Resource Locator)情報をネットワーク上で収集するシステムである。TransMarkシステムは、情報の再利用の段階で主観的なキーワードを解釈する機能を実装しているので、ユーザは自分の主観によってURL情報にキーワードを付加することができる。TransSpaceシステムはTransMarkシステムによって収集されたURL情報を視覚化する機能を実装している。TransSpaceシステムは収集されたURL情報の関連情報を2次元空間上に視覚化するので、ユーザは必要としている情報の関連情報を円滑に利用することができる。また、本研究で提案する二つのシステムを、多くのプラットフォームで動作するようにJavaを用いて構築することでコンピューティング環境に左右されない情報共有環境を提供した。



In this research, we propose a concept of smooth cooperative information gathering/sharing system. We developed two prototype systems called "TransMark" and "TransSpace" to realize a part of our concept.

As Internet becomes popular, information on WWW has grown exponentially and establishing an efficient information gathering method is becoming extremely important and urgent. "The cooperative information acquisition method(CIAM)" is one of a known method which has been used among users of common interests (hereafter group users) to gather necessary information efficiently in cooperative way. However, this method needs improvement mainly in the following three aspects.

Firstly, in CIAM, it is necessary to tag common keywords established by group users to each piece of information and in order to retrieve the needed information, users must use those keywords and this would sometimes result in failing to search the target information. Secondly, information visualization method of CIAM and other methods as well is not fully equipped with a capability of grasping the relativity of group unique information when browsing the gathered information. Lastly, CIAM requires to be specifically build on the computing environment such as a operation system of the group which results in inflexibility of not being able to use when such environment is changed.

To solve the problems described above, we propose two prototypes to realize our concept of smooth cooperative information gathering/sharing system, "TransMark" and "TransSpace." "TransMark" has the ability to collect URL(Uniform Resource Locator) information through a network by multiple users. In this system, the user can assign his own keywords subjectively and still reach the target information based on the system's original function as being able to interpret those user independent keywords. "TransSpace" is capable of visualizing URL information "TransMark" has collected. The relational information would be visualized in a 2-dimentional space so that the users can easily grasp the relativity of information gathered and access to the information he wish to retrieve. Our system is implemented in Java, and therefore is executable in any computing platforms.

We conducted a preliminary evaluation of our systems and the result showed a feasibility of our approach in information sharing among group users.




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