

Study on Wearable Interface based on speech visualization










Recently, cellular phones and computers have spread rapidly to our lives due to their smaller size, advanced technologies, lower price, and the growth of the internet. With the use of e-mail and web chat, it is possible to take communications anytime and anywhere.

However, no matter how information technology gets advanced, the basic communication method for us is the form of face-to-face communication. In those communications, most of the information is exchanged verbally with spoken words, but those spoken words will vanish away soon.

In this research, we developed a new system called Chatting Chips which visualizes the utterances of users and uses them as a new channel for communication. Also we conducted two types of evaluation tests.

In evaluation(1), we examined if the system supports users to create constructive ideas. We compared the number of ideas of the participants (in pairs) in a form of stand talking (informal communication) among two conditions; one wearing Chatting Chips and the other not wearing Chatting Chips. Also we evaluated the impression of wearing Chatting Chips by questionnaire method in 5 point scale. As a result, we could verify the potential of Chatting Chips.

In evaluation(2), based on the dichotomous results for the "sense of control" over the system, we examined the transition of conversation when we change the place for displaying the utterances of users in a face-to-face communication. First, to clarify which condition activated communication more, we counted the number of utterances in each condition. Next, we compared the impression of both conditions by questionnaire and interview.

As a result, the effectiveness of Chatting Chips was shown. Also there is strong correlation between the "excitement of communication" factor and the "the information displayed was useful" factor in the questionnaire. We found the difference in usage for two conditions.

Key Word:Wearable Computing,Fashion,Information Design,Speech Visualization,Chat


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